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martes, 14 de marzo de 2017

What is an immediate denture?

An immediate denture is a complete denture or partial denture inserted on the same day, immediately following the removal of natural teeth.
What are the advantages of an immediate denture?
There are several advantages of an immediate denture. The most important factor is that you will never need to appear in public without teeth. It is also easier to duplicate the shape, color and arrangement of your natural teeth while some are still present in your mouth. When an immediate denture is inserted at the time of extraction, it will act as a Band-Aid to protect the tissues and reduce bleeding. An immediate denture will allow you to establish your speech patterns early. You will not have to learn to speak without a denture in place and then later relearn to speak with a new denture. An immediate denture will also allow you to chew better than without any teeth and minimize facial distortion that may occur when teeth are removed.

lunes, 13 de febrero de 2017


Porcelain veneers are thin pieces of porcelain used to recreate the natural look of teeth, while also providing strength and resilience comparable to natural tooth enamel. It is often the material of choice for those looking to make slight position alterations, or to change tooth shape, size, and/or color.


Visiting an Best Dental Dentist and asking about veneers is the first step in determining if veneers are the right option for you, or if there are alternate solutions available. Communication with your dentist about what you want corrected is critical for a successful result. Spend time clearly identifying what cosmetic improvements you want to accomplish.
You’ll often hear people say that celebrities have veneers and this may seem like the best way to replicate picture-perfect teeth, but each mouth is different and veneers need to be carefully researched.
Your dentist will most likely begin with a smile analysis to determine what steps are necessary to achieve the smile you desire. In addition, your dentist may create a diagnostic mock-up that will allow you to “try on” veneers and other procedures to see if the final result is actually what you’re looking for.
Your dentist may also show you a photo of how your new smile will look. This is called cosmetic imaging.
Deciding that porcelain veneers will create the look you want is only one step in the process. There is much more to learn before proceeding further.


Porcelain laminate veneers consist of a compilation of several thin ceramic layers which replace original tooth enamel, and an adhesive layer. To apply a veneer, a very small amount of the original tooth enamel must be removed, usually less than a millimeter. This is essential as it creates room for the porcelain veneer to fit within the mouth and most accurately restore natural tooth function while creating an even better appearance than the original tooth.
The bond between original tooth and porcelain veneer is critical as it not only provides the esthetic perfection desired, but also a strong bond which is essential for correct veneer function. Light-sensitive resin is placed between the original tooth and the veneer and then hardened using a special curing light.
Porcelain veneers are a very successful option in many situations where the original tooth has developed poor color, shape, and contours. It is also a good choice for fractured teeth, gaps between teeth, and in some situations where the tooth position is compromised and there are minor bite-related problems. For some people, superficial stains do not respond well to tooth whitening or bleaching. In these situations, a porcelain veneer may be the best option.

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2017

Restoring your child's primary teeth | Dental Treatment Guide

Primary teeth are more commonly known as milk teeth. These are the temporary teeth that make up a great proportion of your child's mouth until they are between 6 and 12 years old. As these teeth a temporary, many parents do not see why is it important to replace primary teeth. However, these teeth are important for your child's oral health both now and for in the future. Not only is it more aesthetically pleasing to have a tooth filled smile but the primary teeth also allow your child to chew and speak properly. A key feature of primary teeth is also to ensure that permanent teeth protrude through the gums in the correct place.

Why should milk teeth undergo dental restoration?

Dental restoration is the procedure by which decayed or damaged teeth are carefully repaired back to a healthy state. Many refer to dental restorations as fillings as they involve synthetic material being positioned in or around the tooth the allow it to return to it normal condition.
There are a number of reasons, which would make tooth restoration of primary teeth necessary. Primarily, if your child's primary teeth are suffering from decay then the teeth affected should be restored in order to stop the decay from spreading to other teeth. If decay is left to spread around the mouth, it can subsequently lead to your child losing their teeth earlier than they should be.
Primary teeth are vital to ensure that permanent teeth can grow into the mouth properly; therefore it is vital that they are in good health. Naturally, the primary teeth should reside in the mouth until permanent, "adult" teeth protrude through the gums and force the primary tooth out. If this primary tooth is lost before this point, the teeth on either side of the space can invade and cause crowding issues.

Methods of restoring primary teeth

As long as the tooth decay is detected relatively early then the restoration procedure can be as simple as just a normal filling. The most durable of these fillings are silver fillings, which are also known as amalgam fillings. These fillings are inserted into cavities where it hardens and subsequently replaces missing dental matter.
Another type of filling is a white filling. These are more attractive than amalgam fillings, however, they are harder to position in primary teeth. White fillings require the mouth environment to be free of moisture, which is rare in children. A more popular treatment used in tooth restoration in children is the application of plastic dental crowns. These can be placed and fixed onto the front teeth if they have undergone significant decay.
Crowns can also be used on back teeth if they are badly decays. Alternatively in such a case, a stainless steel cap can be applied. These treatments are readily made and are designed to prevent any further decay. One aspect of this type of tooth restoration that makes is advantageous for children is that it only require one appointment with the dentist.

viernes, 10 de febrero de 2017

What’s the Difference Between Dental Implants & Veneers?

Dental implants and veneers can both be great options for restoring a beautiful smile. However, they are very different treatment options and should not be confused for one another. The main difference between the two is that a dental implant acts as a replacement for a tooth root, while a veneer simply covers the existing tooth for cosmetic purposes.

For both veneers and dental implants, patients can see Best Dental Dentist.

What is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants are used to replace missing or broken teeth.
A dental implant is a post made of titanium. It acts as a tooth root, providing stability.
A dental implant is surgically implanted into the jaw bone. It then, after some time, fuses with the bone to create a stable “root.” Then, an abutment is added to the top of the implant, and finally, a crown or other dental device is added to the top. This process will require several dental appointments, but most people will agree that the results are worthy of the time it takes.
Dental implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth. They restore the mouth to full function.
Dental implants can also promote dental health. When a tooth is missing, the jaw bone is not stimulated, which can cause the bone to deteriorate. An implant stimulates the bone as a natural tooth would, helping to prevent bone loss.

What are Veneers?

Veneers are thin porcelain layers that are attached to the fronts of the teeth. They do not alter or fix the teeth; rather, they are used to cover flaws.
Veneers are custom created for the patient to match the rest of the smile. They can be designed to give the patient a “Hollywood” type of bright, white smile, or they can appear more natural and subtle. The patient is able to choose the appearance of the veneers before they are created.
Depending on the type of veneer being used, some tooth structure may need to be removed to create an ideal surface for the veneer. LUMINEERS®, for example, do not require the removal of tooth structure, but some traditional porcelain veneers may.
Veneers may be used to cover cracks or chips, teeth that are misshapen, or teeth that are stained beyond what teeth whitening treatments can correct.
While veneers can last a very long time, they are not technically permanent. Accidents may cause the veneer to chip or break and need replacement. Patients who visit Nuevo Progreso Tamps cosmetic dentists Best Dental Clinic can expect veneers to last about 20 years with good care.

Differences Between Implants and Veneers

Implants require oral surgery; some (but not all) veneers may require the removal of tooth structure.
Dental implants improve the function of the teeth, often making chewing and speaking easier. Veneers do not affect function; they are strictly cosmetic in nature.
Unless a significant amount of tooth structure has been removed, veneers are removable. Implants, on the other hand, are a permanent decision.

Dental implants and veneers can both be part of a smile makeover and can be used to obtain a bright, healthy-looking smile. To learn more about getting veneers or dental implants in Nuevo Progreso Tamps, contact Best Dental Dentist.

Av. Benito Juarez #300
Mex. 01152(899)9371547
USA 9566417097

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017

Teeth grinding (bruxism) - Treatment

Treating teeth grinding
Recommended treatments for bruxism (teeth grinding) include behavioural therapies and using mouth guards or mouth splints.
Other treatments, such as muscle relaxation exercises and sleep hygiene measures, may also help you manage your symptoms.
Mouth guards and mouth splints

If you grind your teeth while you're asleep, you may need to wear a mouth guard or mouth splint at night. These even out the pressure across your jaw and create a physical barrier between your upper and lower teeth to protect them from further damage. They can also reduce any grinding noises you make at night. Mouth guards are similar in appearance to those used in sports such as boxing. They're usually made out of bendy rubber or plastic and can be made by your dentist to fit your mouth. You'll usually have to pay for this type of custom-made dental appliance.
Mouth guards are also available to buy from your local pharmacist. However, it's unlikely to fit as well as one made by your dentist. A mouth splint (also known as an occlusal splint or bite plate) is made from harder plastic and fits precisely over your upper or lower teeth.
Mouth splints are no more effective than mouth guards in reducing the symptoms of bruxism. They tend to last for years, whereas mouth guards usually last for less than a year. However, mouth splints are more expensive.
Although mouth guards and splints may help reduce muscle activity in your jaw at night, they're only able to control the condition, not cure it.

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2017

Special Valentine's day

2 cleanings 30 dlls
tooth whitening 100 dlls
Special prices: 9 to 14 February 2017

Av. Benito Juarez #300
Mex. 01152(899)9371547
USA 9566417097

Differences between tooth whitening and tooth cleaning

Tooth whitening and tooth cleaning appear to be the same thing with the same objectives. Although, apparently any bleaching treatment may sound like the same as that of a cleaning solution, in reality, they are miles apart.

Tooth whitening procedure

To understand the differences, one would have to look into the procedures and the objectives of tooth whitening and tooth cleaning.

Tooth whitening is a treatment that is aimed at regaining the lustrous white color of your teeth. Most people in the world are born with amazing white set of teeth. Over the years of eating, smoking and wining, our teeth lose their natural color. In some cases, the color may be an indication of some dental problems.

Irrespective of the cause of tooth discoloration, people look for a solution that can get them the same old white set of teeth. Bleachers are used to remove the stains, tartars and any pigmentation that may have been embedded in the minutest pores of your teeth. Some tooth whitening solutions use laser treatments for the same. As a result, you can get white, shiny looking teeth after the treatment.

On the other hand, tooth cleaning does not have any objective of trying to make cosmetic changes on your teeth. The primary focus of any tooth cleaning program is to better your dental health. It involves treating any germs that may be there in your teeth and mouth and it removes all stains and pigments that may have got docketed into your gums or posterior teeth.

Tooth cleaning treatments are also used as preventive measures to avoid periodontal disease and a horde of other dental problems. In short, tooth cleaning programs are for the better health of your teeth and are also the first stage of treatment for a wide variety of dental ailments.

Looking at all the aspects of tooth whitening and tooth cleaning, hopefully you have got a clear idea of what their differences are. The only times your dentist at the clinic would use the two procedures in conjunction are when either you ask for it or if a dentist has to treat some of your dental ailments prior to going for tooth whitening.

Special Valentine's day

2 cleaning 30 DLLs. (only in pairs)
tooth whitening 100 dlls
Special prices: 9 to 14 February 2017

Av. Benito Juarez #300
Mex. 01152(899)9371547
USA 9566417097

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017

What Is Tartar?



Plaque is a sticky, colorless film of bacteria that constantly forms on our teeth and along the gum line. Plaque contains bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.

Tartar is calcified or hardened plaque that attaches to the enamel on your teeth and below the gum line.

Signs & Symptoms

Everyone develops plaque because bacteria are constantly growing in our mouths, so it is not easy to see. Plaque that is not removed from around the gum line can cause inflammation and irritation to the gums around your teeth.

Tartar is a mineral buildup that's fairly easy to see, if above the gum line. The most common sign of tartar is a yellow or brown deposit between the lower front teeth or at the gum line.

sábado, 4 de febrero de 2017



If a tooth has been broken or damaged by decay, your dentist will try to fix it with a filling, crown or other dental treatment. But when there's too much damage for the tooth to be repaired, the tooth may need to be extracted — or removed — from its socket in the bone.

There are two types of extractions:

A simple extraction – this procedure is on a tooth that can be seen in the mouth. For a simple extraction, the dentist loosens the tooth with an instrument called an elevator. Then the dentist uses forceps to remove the tooth.

A surgical extraction – this is a more complex procedure, which is used if a tooth may have broken off at the gum line or has not erupted in the mouth. The oral surgeon will make a small incision into your gum to surgically remove the broken tooth or impacted wisdom tooth.

miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017


Tooth sensitivity to hot or cold food and beverages can occur as a consequence of the gum separating from the enamel. This problem arises as the result of choosing the wrong toothbrush (hard bristles) and because of a wrong brushing technique.

The occurrence of sensitive tooth necks can be prevented by using a toothbrush with soft bristles and an adequate brushing technique which we explain to you during your first examination.

If the tooth necks are already exposed and that occurrence is causing you problems, we can alleviate this by impregnating the tooth neck with an impregnation varnish. We can coat the exposed part under the enamel margins with a liquid composite material (we make a filling) and so even further protect the tooth.

lunes, 30 de enero de 2017

Teeth Whitening in Nvo. Progreso

Many people associate professional teeth whitening with movie stars and brides. But in fact, it is an extremely popular procedure in cosmetic dentistry. And at Best Dental Dentist, we help our Nvo. Nuevo Progreso Tamps, patients achieve brighter, whiter smiles with our teeth whitening services.

Let Your Smile Stand Out
Stained or discolored teeth are very common among adults of all ages, and come from a variety of sources, such as:
Red wine
Some medications

The key to a long-lasting, bright, white smile is to have your teeth whitened before discoloration becomes too severe. When you come to Best Dental Dentist for teeth whitening services, you'll get solid advice, professional care, and a smile that will renew your confidence. Call today to set up an appointment.
Special price... Whitening and tooth cleaning 120.00 dlls

Av. Benito Juarez #300
Nvo. Progreso, Tamps, Mex

Mex. 01152(899)9371547

USA 9566417097

sábado, 21 de enero de 2017

Complications in the use of denture

Common Causes of Denture Failure

In a study by Hummel et al,1 65% of defective dentures had
at least one defect. Lack of stability was the most prevalent.
Mandibular removable partial dentures (RPDs) had retention
problems whereas maxillary RPDs had problems related to
reline material integrity. Tooth wear defects were significantly
associated with patient age.
In some cases the denture base may be damaged, or the
vertical dimension of occlusion has changed. Occlusal changes
can be caused by denture tooth wear resulting in worn, ineffective
surfaces. Carlsson’s 1967 studies showed a dramatic
loss of bone during the first year after a tooth extraction that
continued over the years, even without a denture on the tissue
surface.2, 3
In 1972, Tallgren’s 25 year study showed that denture wearers
have continued bone loss over the years.Occlusal forces on
the gingival tissues irritate bone that resorbs. This results in a
decrease in bone volume and density.

Chairside Denture Reline Challenges

There are many challenges in the chairside denture reline process.
In the past, material handling, integrity and lifespan have been an
issue. Also, the question of whether a chairside reline is as effective
as a laboratory reline over the long term was a concern.
A 2014 study evaluated the bond strength of chairside reline resins.5
 The results were compared with lab-processed resins. The
failure sites were examined by scanning electron microscopy and
showed the bond strengths to be equal among all techniques.
Also, the clinical properties of resilient denture lining materials
may be influenced by the methods used to polymerize them.6
Other studies investigated temperature rise during intraoral
polymerization that can cause discomfort,2-8 and the durability
through flexural strength9has also been measured.
In addition, areas with poor reline adhesion or roughness are
potential sites for candidiasis development. A study was conducted
between resin and silicone liners measuring the presence of
candida. Resin surfaces presented sharp valleys and depressions,
while silicone based specimen surfaces exhibited more gentle

Denture Reline

Denture Reline

Complete and partial removable dentures can become ill-fitting.
This can be due to alveolar ridge resorption, wear and damage
to the denture base, among others. Chairside denture relining
or repairing broken areas can correct many of these problems.
Chairside procedures provide immediate resolution, avoiding
the edentulous period of time accompanying laboratory relines.
This course will demonstrate the evaluation, treatment planning
and implementation of chairside denture relining in a variety of

When presented with an ill-fitting denture, there are two main
options for correction: the hard or soft reline. The selection of the
appropriate material is based on various conditions such as the
state of the alveolar ridge, the presence of teeth and/or implants
and whether the denture base is acrylic or metal.

Common Uses

Chairside materials are used for relines, repairs, border extensions
and immediate dentures. These materials should accurately
adapt to the denture-bearing surface, be highly polishable, demonstrate
low heat generation during intraoral curing and have
high mechanical strengths. They should also have easy handling
and minimal chemical irritation, odor or taste. Additionally, they
should cure rapidly and be ideal for long term denture reline applications.

viernes, 20 de enero de 2017

What To Expect After Wisdom Tooth Surgery

In most cases, the recovery period lasts only a few days. Take painkillers as prescribed by your dentist or oral surgeon. The following tips will help speed your recovery.
Bite gently on the gauze pad periodically, and change pads as they become soaked with blood. Call your dentist or oral surgeon if you still have bleeding 24 hours after your surgery.
While your mouth is numb, be careful not to bite the inside of your cheek or lip, or your tongue.
Do not lie flat. This may prolong bleeding. Prop up your head with pillows.
Try using an ice pack on the outside of your cheek. Apply for 15 to 20 minutes at a time for the first 24 hours. You can use moist heat-such as a washcloth soaked in warm water and wrung out-for the following 2 or 3 days.
Relax after surgery. Physical activity may increase bleeding.
Eat soft foods, such as gelatin, pudding, or a thin soup. Gradually add solid foods to your diet as healing progresses.
Do not use a straw for the first few days. Sucking on a straw can loosen the blood clot and delay healing.
After the first day, gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water several times a day to reduce swelling and relieve pain. You can make your own salt water by mixing 1 tsp (5 g) of salt in a medium-sized glass [8 fl oz (240 mL)] of warm water. Do not rinse hard. This can loosen the blood clot and delay healing.
Do not smoke for at least 24 hours after your surgery. The sucking motion can loosen the clot and delay healing. Also, smoking decreases the blood supply and can bring germs and contaminants to the surgery area.
Avoid rubbing the area with your tongue or touching it with your fingers.
Continue to brush your teeth and tongue carefully.
Your dentist will remove the stitches after a few days, if needed.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Surgery Overview

An oral and maxillofacial surgeon or your dentist can remove (extract) a wisdom tooth. The procedure often can be done in the dentist's or surgeon's office. You may have the surgery in the hospital, especially if you are having all your wisdom teeth pulled at one time or if you are at high risk for complications.

If you have any infections, surgery will usually be delayed until the infection has cleared up. Your doctor or dentist may have you take antibiotics to help heal the infection.

Before removing a wisdom tooth, your dentist will give you a local anesthetic to numb the area where the tooth will be removed. A general anesthetic may be used, especially if several or all of your wisdom teeth will be removed at the same time. A general anesthetic prevents pain in the whole body and will cause you to sleep through the procedure. Your dentist will probably recommend that you don't eat or drink after midnight on the night before surgery so that you are prepared for the anesthetic.

To remove the wisdom tooth, your dentist will open up the gum tissue over the tooth and take out any bone that is covering the tooth. He or she will separate the tissue connecting the tooth to the bone and then remove the tooth. Sometimes the dentist will cut the tooth into smaller pieces to make it easier to remove.

After the tooth is removed, you may need stitches. Some stitches dissolve over time and some have to be removed after a few days. Your dentist will tell you whether your stitches need to be removed. A folded cotton gauze pad placed over the wound will help stop the bleeding.

jueves, 19 de enero de 2017


Have you had a teeth cleaning this year? Professional dental cleanings aren’t just for keeping your smile bright; they can have a significant impact on your general health. Insufficient oral hygiene has been linked to several serious illnesses. Associated medical and dental issues include bone loss, cardiovascular disease, strokes, cancers, and many other problems. Brushing and flossing at home are essential, but to ensure teeth are healthy and thoroughly clean, you should schedule regular check-ups with your dentist and annual dental cleanings with your dental hygienist. Here are seven reasons professional cleanings are so important.

Your dental hygienist can remove most of the stains that dull and discolor your teeth, so you'll be left with a brighter, whiter smile.
Having your teeth cleaned can prevent gum disease, which leads to early tooth loss.
In America alone, one person dies from oral cancer every hour, but many of these cancers are curable if detected at an early stage during a routine cleaning.
A strong link exists between cardiovascular disease and gum disease. Because getting your teeth cleaned twice a year helps prevent gum disease, it can also reduce your chances of potentially deadly heart attacks and strokes.
During a professional dental cleaning, it’s easy for your dentist to detect early signs of problems such as broken fillings and fractures.
Many dental plans cover cleanings, and you’ll save money on dental expenses in the long run by taking advantage of your policy.
If your dentist finds any serious problems during a teeth cleaning or exam, the office can help you make financial arrangements to cover the necessary procedures.
Professional dental cleanings give your dentist or hygienist an opportunity to compare the state of your oral health to that of previous visits. If you’re moving in the wrong direction, immediate intervention can put you back on track.

Regular check-ups and dental cleanings help prevent and resolve persistent bad breath.

To get the dental care you deserve from an affordable dentist in Progreso, Mexico, call Best Dental Dentistl today at (899) 937-1547/USA 9566417097 or make an appointment.

Best Dental Dentist offers affordable family dentistry and gentle, compassionate dental care in Nvo. Progreso. Our offices are conveniently located with extended hours to meet your needs. At Best Dental, we provide most dental services, from basic preventative care and general dentistry to specialized procedures and complete dental reconstruction. We accept most dental insurance plans and offer affordable financial solutions for any budget. Patient satisfaction is our top priority and we strive to provide the exceptional, affordable dental care and personal touch that lead to lasting relationships. A smiling patient is our greatest reward and we look forward to keeping those smiles healthy, beautiful, and bright. Discover an affordable dentist who truly cares at Best Dental Dentist.

Calendar 2017
